dcwj on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dcwj/art/Light-and-Chaos-102543566dcwj

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dcwj's avatar

Light and Chaos



hi all, here's another duel pic. its actually a fan art for warhammer online. its a duel thats going to happen between a chaos marauder and a elf white lion. i really love the design for the chaos marauder and thats y i decided to do a fanart of it. well i'm not really a war hammer fan so if i painted anything wrong please forgive me. anyway its really something i dun usually do so i hope it still looks alright =) C&C welcome and thanks for dropping by!
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1579x744px 264.97 KB
© 2008 - 2024 dcwj
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KarakNornClansman's avatar
This is top of the line artwork! Evocative and with care given to details and colourwork. Have you by any chance illustrated some official pieces for Games Workshop? Given your deft hand at illustrating Chaos, you might be interested in knowing that Warhammer Fantasy have a community driven spiritual successor project under steam. Namely, The Ninth Age: www.the-ninth-age.com/

It is fully possible for previous Warhammer fanart to be submitted to T9A, and if their iconography doesn't constitute IP infringement they may well make it into full army books, full credits given. Obviously, such an ambitious project is always welcoming artists, for artwork is what makes or breaks a professional polished product. This is a chance to have one's fanart under an official stamp, and moreover to develop one's own styles for familiar archetypes.

Note that one has to post two comments on the forum before being allowed to upload images to the gallery (just post compliments in the army blog section or suchlike first  if you would ever like to contribute).

Also, they've recently launched their first Art Contest, this time pitting Warriors of the Dark Gods against others: www.the-ninth-age.com/index.ph… Many more contests to follow in months and years to come if this catch on. Something for your talents and tastes, perhaps?

Just mentioning. In any case, great artwork! Have a good day. :)